Frequently Asked Questions for Massage

How do I make an appointment?

Telephone call or SMS is the best and quickest way to get in touch with us.
We also accept booking through e-mail. Please allow up to 12 hours for your email booking to be confirmed.
 - For advance bookings, we suggest contacting us by e-mail.
 - For same day or short-notice/last minute bookings, please call us to make an appointment.
(We don't answer phone calls from hidden/private numbers. Please don't withhold your number when calling.)

When making a booking/querying, please include the following:
 - phone number (as well as the best time to contact/not contact)
 - service you would like and duration of the service
 - date and time you would like
 - location (our place or your hotel room)
 - for hotel visiting please provide full name, room number, hotel name and full address
 - any specific requests you may have

What are your opening hours?

We are open for advance and short notice bookings every day from 11.00 am till late night (2.00 am).

Do you require a deposit?

You don't need to pay a deposit. Payment is in cash on arrival if you are happy with the therapist/masseuse.

We only take cash usually at the beginning of your massage session.

For outcall massage services inside zone 4, you don't need to pay a deposit. You pay the service charge and taxi fee when the therapist/masseuse arrives.
Outcall bookings for areas outside zone 4 are happily accepted, however a deposit must be paid prior to the therapist's arrival to cover the taxi fee. The deposit can be paid via discreet bank transfer.

What kind of payment methods do you accept?

Currently, cash is our preferred option (GBP - British Pound Sterling).
Bank transfer is also possible to a discreet UK bank account. If you choose to pay this way, payment must be cleared 12 hours prior to the meeting.
We don't accept Paypal, Credit Card/Debit Card or Cheque.

Are your rates negotiable?

Discount applies to any additional hour service, please view details of all massage services and rates.
Discounts on prices are negotiable on block (more than two hours) and regular bookings or overnight stays. For any enquiries please contact us on 075-1177-8321.

Do you accept nationwide and overseas bookings?

We accept bookings for central London and surrounding areas.

Can I take photos or videos of the masseuse?

During the massage session, unless otherwise agreed upon, clients are not allowed to take a picture or shoot a video of the therapists.

During the massage session, is the client allowed to drink alcohol or take drugs?

During the massage session, unless otherwise agreed upon, clients will be free of alcohol and/or drugs.

Do you provide services to people under the age of 21 years?

No. We don't. You must be minimum 21 years old to receive our services.

Is your service discreet? Is my information secure?

Our service is absolutely safe and discreet. Your private details are exactly that – private. Your privacy (and masseuses) is of the utmost importance, therefore no one else other than the masseuse has access to your details.